All course schedules are found on the Events calendar. You may request more information about individual courses and/or sign up for my mailing list here. Subscribers receive discounts on all courses, and alumni receive even more!
Introduction to Transformational Storytelling
What makes a story “transformational?” Is it the story? The way it’s told? The way it’s received?
The simple answer is yes. However, a lot goes into creating a transformational storytelling experience: understanding how people learn and grow; understanding the neuroscience of stories; opening ourselves to the deeper meanings that swirl between storyteller, audience, and story in such moments.
Join us for a free, two-hour introduction to Transformational Storytelling, and prepare to open some new doors – and your heart. Now available for on-demand viewing on Vimeo.
Legacy Storytelling
What is our legacy? What do we leave behind? Simply put – our values. More importantly – the stories about our values, whether they are stories about us or things that we have witnessed.
The Lakota have a concept to explain who we are: nagi, which can best be understood as a swarm. A swarm of what? Of stories: the stories we tell ourselves, the stories we tell others, the stories that we listen to, and the stories that are told about us.
The class begins with a structured exercise to help participants discern the values that are important to them. From there, we move to crafting a story to be told orally, and then gain the facility to tell it successfully – and to teach it to others. Visit the Events calendar for our upcoming classes, which are offered monthly.