Inspiring growth and change through storytelling

Intro to Transformational Storytelling

Have a taste of the Transformational Storytelling program - free! We'll discuss how we learn, why stories work, and some neuroscience as well. Plus some great stories! Register at the link below. You'll get the zoom link for the meeting immediately, and a full invitation will arrive shortly thereafter.

Telling Transformational Stories


The first class of our Fall 2019 semester. Schedules, readings, and more will be discussed. Come prepared with the bones of a story that you expect could be transformational. Register for the class below! Loading…

Welcoming the Stranger

Participate in a ground-breaking live experience as you craft a story that is uniquely your own while addressing the challenges - and rewards - of welcoming the "other." Free - but limited to 20 participants. Register with Eventbrite to receive the zoom link.
