Inspiring growth and change through storytelling

Practical Storytelling


A session on the practicalities of storytelling. Students tell and critique their stories...

Practical Storytelling


A session on the practicalities of storytelling. Students tell and critique their stories...



For advanced students who will be storytelling at the retreat. Intro students are invited to attend.

Storytelling Jamboree

Temple Concord 910 Madison St, Syracuse, NY, United States

Come hear storytellers from a variety of backgrounds tell spiritual, transformational, engaging tales! Snacks and beverages will be available, of course! Please register (Free!) via FaceBook or here: Thanks!


Storytelling and Music at the Funkhouse

Join Martha Trachtenberg and me at the Funkhouse in Westbury, Long Island, NY for an evening of stories, music, and open hearts. Actual time and other details to be provided soon.  

The Maggidut of Social Transformation

Temple Beth Emeth 52 Mt Sinai Ave S, Mt Sinai, NY, United States

Maggidut is the art of telling stories in a way that spiritually (or otherwise) transforms the audience. Drawing on stories from Africa, Nepal, and Eastern Europe, we will look at the way that a story gains the power to transform, not merely entertain.

Intro to Transformational Storytelling

The fundamentals of transformational storytelling: what makes certain stories transformational, how our neural systems adapt, and how they are uniquely suited to receive and tell stories. We also examine the place of these stories within various spiritual traditions, and the value of viewing transformation from a variety of perspectives. This is a free class, and […]


CNY Storytellers Guild

Community Library of Dewitt and Jamesville 5110 Jamesville Road, Dewitt, NY, United States

Our monthly meeting to share stories, tips, tricks, and otherwise connect storytellers to their audience! Open to both storytellers and audience members! Free, but registration required.
