Next Cohort Begins October, 2023
What is this program?
The Maggid Training Program is dedicated to developing your skills and spiritual depth as a transformational storyteller: someone who inspires change through stories and spiritual guidance.
The program has foundations in the Jewish tradition of maggidut: the art and practice of being a spiritual storyteller and guide. However, it emphasizes the requirement that we encounter inspiration and spirituality from a multitude of perspectives, not a solitary point of view. As such, we explore a wide variety of cultural and spiritual traditions, but a Jewish perspective remains central for Jewish students.
Who is it for?
This program is particularly designed for Jewish students who wish to deepen their talents (and repertoire) in telling deeply spiritual, Jewish stories. Non-Jewish students are welcome, as my own approach incorporates a broad variety of traditional backgrounds.
More broadly, the program is designed for anyone ready to use stories to inspire and transform others – and themselves. Students identify as storytellers, clergy, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and educators: simply anyone who recognizes the power of story, and wants to become skilled at inviting transformation through story.
Finally, I have occasional guest faculty from a variety of traditions – you can read some of their biographies here.
What does the program assume?
We recognize both the common values that underpin all faith traditions, as well as the variety of practices and forms that are unique to each tradition. The more we open up to different – especially unfamiliar – expressions of faith and spirituality, the more we can deepen our own spirituality and faith traditions.
This is noble, challenging, and ultimately deeply transformative work, both for the “tellers” and the audience. As such, it requires facility in and knowledge of one’s own tradition, other traditions, and the art and science of spiritual storytelling. Additionally, the development of these skills both requires and results in personal spiritual transformation.
How does it work?
To accomplish this, the Maggid Training Program draws on years of experience with spiritual storytellers from various backgrounds. Each of the four semesters is led by a theme, but also has as a focus a principle story. Throughout the semester, stories are shared by faculty and students, accompanied by constructive feedback. Simultaneously, the story of the semester allows for more in-depth explorations of spiritual and cultural issues.
Most Jewish students require two years of training to complete the breadth and depth of study – and talent development – required to be granted s’micha as a maggid.
There are four themes that are explored throughout the program:
- Multifaith foundations
- Storytelling – Immersion
- Spirituality / Mysticism
- Storytelling – Performative
We meet at a typical routine of every other week via zoom for two hours for each meeting. Recognizing the value of space in learning, we will schedule at the pace of approximately 20 sessions a year, leaving time for one month off every six months.
How much does it cost?
Important Links:
Please contact me with any questions at!