Inspiring growth and change through storytelling
Maggidut is the art of inspirational, spiritual storytelling. Maggid Jim Brulé will guide us on this spiritual and practical journey as we develop an understanding of how stories—when told with an open heart—can heal wounds, inspire the spirit, and transform lives. Drawing from his two-year curriculum for maggidut, this class will integrate oral storytelling, healing, Jewish folklore, and meditation in a highly interactive group process.
Telling stories in this way requires openness and intentionality in all four worlds. We will explore the neuroscience of telling and receiving these stories, and the associated physical storytelling techniques; we will appreciate and experience the emotional impact of encountering these stories; our minds will be challenged to consider alternate meanings of the same story; and our spirits will be lifted as we invite the Divine to live in these encounters.
Part of Aleph’s Kallah program. Register at; learn more about Aleph at