A home retreat provides the opportunity to immerse yourself in one of the Journey into Dying and Living series over one weekend – from Saturday am to Sunday pm.
You should expect to use your whole weekend in order to absorb, digest the input, and be present for the classes and your inner growth. Some of this will be done during four two-hour online sessions. However, the rest of your time can be spent meditating, taking walks in nature, cooking, sleeping, journaling, moving/dancing, sharing your thoughts with a friend, etc.
In addition, you will be given a creative task to do (and share, if you wish, through a private Facebook group) each day. These tasks may be done alone or with someone else (if you choose).
The more time and presence you put into this retreat, the more rewarding you will find it.
Thank you for joining us in this home retreat!
Jim Brulé and Rebecca Lemaire