When do classes begin?
The next free introductory session will be in July, 2017. Visit this page to learn more.
The first cohort began in July, 2016. The next cohort will begin in August 2017.
How long will the program last?
There are four terms spread over two years. Each term is made up of 10 classes, plus individualized mentoring.
Where do you hold classes?
Most classes are held via Skype. Once a year – in the summer – we gather in Syracuse, NY for a face-to-face retreat.
Is it proper to learn stories from another faith tradition?
Absolutely – see my video answer here.
Do you have to be Jewish to enroll?
Not at all. The program’s foundation is built on Jewish spirituality, but it is designed for anyone interested in spiritual storytelling and spiritual development.
What will I receive at the end of the program?
You mean, in addition to the knowledge, skills, and experience? 🙂 Everyone who completes the program will receive a certificate as a Multifaith Spiritual Storyteller. Jewish participants, if they wish, may also work towards s’micha as a maggid.
You say Jewish participants can receive s’micha as a maggid. What is that?
S’micha can be roughly translated as “ordination,” but it means more than that. It is the passing of a spiritual lineage from teacher to student, in which the student is empowered to carry on the tradition. S’micha is not for everyone; if this is your interest, please speak with me about that. You can view a transcript of my s’micha here.
How much does the program cost?
Tuition is $1,200 per session, payable in monthly installments. This includes ten group classes and ongoing one-on-one spiritual direction. There is no charge for the annual retreat. Food and lodging for the retreat are the responsibility of attendees.
I have more questions.
Wonderful! Contact me here.